floaty Horizon Hub

Hello, and welcome to floaty Horizon Hub

This is the Homepage, where you can quickly access most of the website.

Use the menu at the top to go to sections of this website
Or scroll down to quickly access random content such as:

  1. Newsletter


Test Newsletter (PINNED)

Uploaded: 1/8/23

(You) > Woah. A newsletter?
(Me) > Yup. And it gets updated every.... sometimes.
The Homepage only will have 3 (excluding this one) newsletters shown at a time
So if you want to read more go to The Newsletter tab!

To Any Possible Student!

Uploaded: 24/8/23
Edited: 1/10/23

So, I'm currently working on a little thing called "Learning App".
If it wasn't obvious from what type of app it is, it's an app made for studying.
It uses a learning method known as "Spaced Repetition", which o'boy is that fun implementing.
Expect it to be released sometime during October. (I hope)